News from Skelei-Rita

Skelei-Rita is having good times in la patria. I am taking the liberty of putting the highlights of her email into our blog without her consent. Thanks, Skelei-Rita!
Things I would never do in Canada, I am doing in Spain. For example...out of extreme anger I bought a bikini. Sounds weird, but the store was out of my size in the shoes I wanted and were out of the purse I wanted. I got mad and thought that the best way to express my anger to all of Spain would be to subject them to seeing my midriff. (I´m sure that they dont care at all).
I would also like to mention Skelei-Rita's notorious meeting with the infamous Signor Spamio, her perverted Italian former roommate who dripped with with grease, sour old canoli juice and rancid salami residues. To avoid the EVIL SPAM, one of Rita's lowly pawns, Skelei-Rita moved to a nearby apartment.
Skelei-Rita will return to the Canadas in one week. We look forward to seeing you soon, Skelei-Rita!
Missing CeciRita
Thanks for the update! I bet she looks great in a bikini, I dont know what Rietbeth will think of that!
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