Mystery Revealed

As it turns out, the eggplant is a cow and the cucumber is a horse. They are left for transportation for the dead from the gates of hell to our world. F.Y.I: The gates of hell open in August this year. The cucumber horse is fast and represents the family's desire for their dead relative to come quickly. The eggplant is slow and represents the desire for the relative to leave slowly.
LOL. Do you carry your camera on you at all times in order to get photographic evidence of all the oddest things in Japan? THIS IS SO FUNNY! I cant believe you found this....lolol
Miss you!
Remember the "carrots" from Lexx. I do not recommend bending over in the presence of vegetables with legs. These vegetables may be alien creatures from the planet Rita.
No - my cellphone has a camera. It also has a video phone option. Also, I can send images to it via email. So, for example, when Kaz calls, this trippy J-disco-style music plays and a picture of a shih-tzu appears. Cool, eh?
Remember those "carrots" from Lexx?
Do not bend over near vegetables with legs!
Point taken, Oldfartrita. I will definitely keep my ass covered around these vegetables. Rita has tested her shrinker machine here and it's obvious that she could not avoid using intelligent electronic vegetable probes to further her plans of evil!
I walk towards my end like a tomato.
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