Monday, September 04, 2006

You are all so funny! Update on my life:

Hello my Russian Comrades,
Thank you so much for the great posts. Kendra you are so funny. Lets get together this week. I plan on leaving on Sunday September 10th, where MaRita and I will drive across Canada, stopping everywhere, in particular Calgary, then home. The cats acting like a maniac.
Update…. Update…. Hmmmm…
Ok here’s the update on the life:
So the party went well. I went on Monday or Tuesday last week to Russian Rita’s house and hung out with her mom and dad. I even saw Wiener; she’s still the same. I needed the Great Russian Rita Daddy Mac Paddy Wac to sign my documents-passport- so I wouldn’t have to renew it in China. However, when I got to the passport office the next day, they said I had to wait until at least 6 month before expiration before attempting to renew the document.….ahhhhh!

I worked during the week, finished my last shift at the social science counseling office on Wednesday… worked for Daddy G… then on Thursday I actually got a prescription for contact lenses, daily disposables, of course inspired by the great Russian Rita who told me they were really easy to use and wear.

I left Friday morning with G-Pa, MarRita, Pervert, and Auntie Ritezs to Chicago. We drove and drove and drove….eee… it took us 10 hours because we stopped for lunch for an hour, and we used the washroom 10 –200 times. We finally arrived. (I couldn’t believe it, but Per never stopped talking, it talked non stop making jokes and queer comments in weird voices, singing and shit like that—it drove me f******** nuts!!!!)
So we made it safe and sound. The hotel was excellent. We stopped in, then drove to Gurnee, Illinois where the cus lives, and had amazing food and desert and seen relatives I hadn’t seen for years, and also met new ones. Everyone was very nice to me, and loved Mark. The whole weekend he told everyone he talked to- which was EVERYONE- that I was moving to China with him…uhhh!!! We ate and ate and drank and Gpa was the guest of honor, not only was he the oldest, but he represented a generation of people. Gpa went to sleep at 11 at night. He slept in the next day. Saturday we had a service outside under a tent, it was an hour long, there were wasps everywhere. The readings from the Torah were very misogynistic, basically reflecting that women were the property of men. It just seemed so weird that the section for that Saturday was simultaneous with the wedding. Eeee… Then we ate lots of food again, and one of Gpas nephews gave Gpa this huge challah.
Afterwards, we went to Toys-R-Us with the Crew, then to a mall. We had an hour at the mall before we had to pick up Robert and Daisy (from Equador) at the botanical gardens. I took Gpa into a shoe store. He needs new shoes, and have needed them forever, he was wearing these wore down shoes with holes, that had no treds left and were falling apart. I made him try on two pairs of new balance, then asked the Saleperson to give me running socks to replace his dress socks, and I took Gpas shoes and told him that he would have to wear the new shoes out of the store. I went and paid and Gpa walked out with a brandnew pair of New Balance black shoes. It was a great day for accomplishment. An unbelievable task had just been accomplished. It was a battle all weekend with him to get him to eat, wear clean underwear, and take his pills. He was a teenager out with vengeance.

We met Uncle Sam’s son Nolan, Daisy and Robert at the botanical gardens. A ride which should have taken only ½ hour at most, took 1 ½ hours, we discovered latter that at the Rivera (some place), Tony Bennet was playing, so the highway was jammed. We walked around for an hour and a half- it was beautiful. While I learned about Nolan’s childhood, Mark talked with Robert who planted ideas in Marks head that living like a nomad the rest of your life was great. Robert is this genius guy who was a Doogie Houser type person, finished he medical degree at the age of 20 or 21 or something, did a computer masters in MIT, totally genius crazy type, so smart that he decided to leave it all and become a nomad. We ate at a chicken house and the American serving us was fascinated by us Canadians.

Sunday, the wedding day: We woke up, ate breakfast, walked across the street and went to this conservation area. It was really cool, an old house from 1846, a lodge with reptiles, turtles, frogs, and fish. There was a snapping turtle there that was over a hundred years old, looked like a rock, and was 4 feet long. It was in a very small tank. We walked all around the paths, and then ran into Robert and Daisy who were nomading around.
The wedding was at 5:30, the ceremony took ½ hour, with 3 rabbis, it was interesting. The reception then partai began. It was great, big and elaborate. All the family was crazy. Katie Kat if you were in London I would have taken you as my date. Everyone was there and I mean everyone. It was the first time in almost 20 years that everyone was reunited. There was Canada, Ecuador, the Columbians, Miamis, New Yorkers, Egyptians…. It was crazyness. Lots of dancing, drink and food. The family looked after us all- so well.
Afterwards, we met with the cousins David from Vancouver (originally from Ecuador) he is crazy, Cousin Joey, the grooms brother, and cousin Daniel,- we are all second cousins- I think! So the 5 of us stayed up till 5 a.m. talking about the family, our history and life. Then I had to get up at 6:30 this morning and I am absolutely exhausted. We finally got back to London at 6:30. We were all tired and miserable. Im going to bed now.

That’s my update. I’m leaving Sunday for BC. And there is the potential that I will come back for two weeks after Thanksgiving. Marks work wants him to meet up in New Market and become familiar with a team who is working with China. So I could stay with Gpa and go to my convocation ceremony at the same time, then Mark and I could fly to China from here.

At the wedding everyone loved Mark, thought he was good-looking, and told me to take off with him. One of the cousins got engaged on New Years, then they didn’t tell anyone and got married at city hall recently, but will have a religious wedding in February. I think Mark wants to do the same. Get engaged, married at City Hall, then have a wedding when we return.

EEEEEEEEEEe ahhhhh we will see what happens.
I go to sleep now!
I miss you all!



Blogger Kat said...

I hope you have a great trip out west. How long will your trip be?

That is so annoying about the passport! You were just trying to be a responsible citizen, looking out for the future and you're just not allowed to do that.

Congratulations on your contact lense purchase!

I can't believe you were able to ride with perv for so long without getting serious violent road-Rita-rage!

I'm glad you were united with your large multi-national family and that everyone loved Mark so much. I'm also really happy that you've made the radical decision to move to China. Sometimes we just have to get radical! Radical!!!

I'm also very happy that G-Pa got new shoes. This is more a relief to me than Kaz getting his new glasses, which everyone had also been nagging him to get for aeons. You must be exhausted after that weekend.

~more to come later~

9:11 am  
Blogger Kat said...

Thank Fritzen and Blitzen that you are going to China! I was fearful that you'd move to B.C., buy a house, and turn into old farts overnight! When are you leaving? November?

The wedding sounded like a blast - I wish I had been your date, Fritzie.

I think you should marry Mark too. I think it's time for you to admit that you're inextricably linked like two sausages in a really tough casing. You can twist and pull as you will, but the sausages will never come apart.

However, if we're all mistaken and your not sausage partners for life, just come to Japan. There are lots of cute guys here. There will be millions of beautifully-groomed princes waiting for you.

7:07 pm  
Blogger Kend-rita! said...

Thanks Russian Fritz! It sounds like you had a wild time! Let me know if you come back to town after Thanksgiving! Maybe we can make some perverted pumpkin pie people? That doesn't really work does it? Darn! Squash would have been a great tool in thanksgiving pervertedness.

I would love to hook up before you leave. We have a Birthday party for Jake's Oma on Saturday, so maybe Thursday or Friday? Maybe we can sneak in a quick coffee date or something if all else fails?

9:29 pm  

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