Friday, February 16, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Bear Spotting in Puerto Vallarta!
It has been two weeks since I returned from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I went there during the "Beefdip" week. The Beefdip is an organized week of events such as pool parties, dances, a booze cruise, ATV tour, and much more. More importantly, Beefdip is for bears! What is a "bear" you say? Well, a bear is a man (preferably a gay one) who is hirsuite by nature, usually has some sort of facial hair, and if possible, lots of body hair to go along with it. Be careful....bears are NOT for everyone! But for those of us who like them... WHOOO HOOOOOOO! For the week of January 27th to February 4th, 2007.....Puerto Vallarta was infested with bears...and that was just fine with me.
I met some really nice guys from L.A., Idaho, Washington, Seattle, Dallas, and lots from Toronto! The organizer of Beefdip is from Toronto, you there were lots of guys from there, including a cutie (Joe) that I was quite fond of. He is more of a bear "cub"...but I'll get into the subsects of bears another time. Anyway, here are some pictures for your viewing enjoyment....

1. Alex, Joe, Virag, Larry, Jim at condo party. 2. Jimmymou (alias Jagbear2458) hugging
Joe and Rob

1. Sexy Joe! 2. No matter where you go, you're never too far from a weiner dog!!! 3. Frida-jim Kahlo!

1,2. Pictures of a gay bar in PV called "Frida Bar". There is Frida memorabilia
on every wall! Isn't life grand when you can even find a Frida Kahlo cutout??

!. More from Frida Bar. 2. Yes.....we got pedicures! Felt wonderful!

1. Jim and Ida Slapter...drag show performer at the Bench and Bar. She was hilarious! 2. Finished pedicure..mine are below!

1. Typical food at the resort we stayed at. 2. View from my room at sunset

1. Balancing on the edge of the infinity pool. Don't worry..I'm not really Jesus! 2. Typical Puerto Vallarta sunset!!

1. Alex, Tom, and me at Alvarados...most amazing seafood I've ever eaten! Off the beaten track
hole-in-the-wall restaurant on Peru Ave. 2. I regret not buying a Mexican Wrestler mask.

1. Another beautiful sunset. 2. Rob, Tom, Jim, Carlos at the condo party.

1. Okay..a king size bed on the patio of the condo?? I swear this wasn't a porno party but Carlos was trying to make a movie! "Bow chickie bow bow" 2. Joe and me......yummy!!!!
I met some really nice guys from L.A., Idaho, Washington, Seattle, Dallas, and lots from Toronto! The organizer of Beefdip is from Toronto, you there were lots of guys from there, including a cutie (Joe) that I was quite fond of. He is more of a bear "cub"...but I'll get into the subsects of bears another time. Anyway, here are some pictures for your viewing enjoyment....

1. Alex, Joe, Virag, Larry, Jim at condo party. 2. Jimmymou (alias Jagbear2458) hugging
Joe and Rob

1. Sexy Joe! 2. No matter where you go, you're never too far from a weiner dog!!! 3. Frida-jim Kahlo!
1,2. Pictures of a gay bar in PV called "Frida Bar". There is Frida memorabilia
on every wall! Isn't life grand when you can even find a Frida Kahlo cutout??
!. More from Frida Bar. 2. Yes.....we got pedicures! Felt wonderful!
1. Jim and Ida Slapter...drag show performer at the Bench and Bar. She was hilarious! 2. Finished pedicure..mine are below!
1. Typical food at the resort we stayed at. 2. View from my room at sunset
1. Balancing on the edge of the infinity pool. Don't worry..I'm not really Jesus! 2. Typical Puerto Vallarta sunset!!
1. Alex, Tom, and me at Alvarados...most amazing seafood I've ever eaten! Off the beaten track
hole-in-the-wall restaurant on Peru Ave. 2. I regret not buying a Mexican Wrestler mask.
1. Another beautiful sunset. 2. Rob, Tom, Jim, Carlos at the condo party.
1. Okay..a king size bed on the patio of the condo?? I swear this wasn't a porno party but Carlos was trying to make a movie! "Bow chickie bow bow" 2. Joe and me......yummy!!!!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Yuna Ito Remix
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Today is Japan's Bean-Throwing Festival (Setsubun). I went to the temple, the priests chanted, played the taiko drum, and shook their tinkly metal instruments. This little developmentally-challenged man was plugging his ears - he reminded me of Heather.
Next, some devotees and priests came out on the platform and started throwing beans at the crowd. Throwing beans is said to get rid of devils. A good time was had by all.